LFA is prepared to perform service on ANY system in your automobile. We are glad to be able to provide COMPLETE services for clients in the Camano Island area-Never leave the island!
Any service you may need on any system in your car is something we can handle! Regular maintenance services are our passion. It's amazing to see owners and thier vehicles with 200, 300, and even 400,000 miles sometimes and it's all due to regular fluid exchange and preventative maintenance.
We can perform routine and preventative services in order to keep you from the big bills and big hassles that come with major car trouble. Some of the systems in your vehicle need to be serviced or inspected regularly. Other services like transmission flushes, don't necessarily need to be done at any particular time. But rest assured, we can cover you and your car!
30, 60, 90k Mile Services
Vehicle Specific Schedules
We perform all OEM recommended service tasks
Keep your factory warranty